Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sometimes the Truth Hurts

This is for the Vegetarians who read my blog. I get where you're coming from.


Anonymous said...

As a vegetarian eating in Chinese restaurants (including ones actually IN CHINA), I've found that I'm far more likely to get a fortune that says, "That thing that you ordered that we told you had no meat in it was actually deep-fried in lard and swimming in chicken broth. And those things that we told you were 'tomato bits' were actually bacon bits."
Yes, they manage to cram all of that onto a tiny fortune-cookie-sized strip of paper! So ingenious...

Jerome said...

For sure. I hate sketchy restaurants. What I was getting at, is the general quality issues regarding the production of meat, and what we now consider to be meat. I'm not a Vegetarian, yet, but I've always wondered what was the drive to go veggy. I'm seeing now that much of that motivation is due to the poor standards of meat. I've talked with some people who if they could find animals that have been raised in a natural, caring manner, they might not have made the move to vegetarian. I just thought this picture captured the whole meat quality issue. Cheers.