Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rec. Ride

This past long weekend was the Canadian Thanksgiving. Why is ours on a different date than our southern friends is? I have no idea. But, I do know that it's great to celebrate both of them! I always try to get in on both of them. Much of the time I've been State side for their celebration.

Anyway, I had planned on a big weekend on the house, but sometimes being good to oneself prevails. That was the case this weekend. I did get a few little things done on the house, but I spent most of the time just hanging with family and friends. Made extra time for the park and even got a ride in that had no other purpose other than the sake of riding. While it wasn't a long ride, it was a gooder.

As of lately I've very rarely riding a bike that wasn't for running errands or commuting. I took the Volae out for my first recreational ride on it, other than the test ride with Vik. There is a monster hill about 5 miles from my house that I've been dying to try on the Volae. Heading out was a fairly strong head wind and my average speed for the first 5 miles was only about 23 kph. Heading East on the 564 was steady at 30 kph. Up the hill, I was struggling for 10 kpm and down to 8 for moments. But the other side was a reward. 68kph was the fastest I could manage on the downhill. I was hoping for more but it did feel pretty good.

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