We went to Divino, which has some incredible food. If you're ever in Calgary, I recommend you make a reservation and head there for dinner. Pricey (plan on at least $100.00 for two) but if you're like me and love great food, it's well worth every penny. There is just something different about excellent food that makes it somehow seem like it's not even in the category of what we typically call food. Something I absolutely enjoy.
Another great thing about this restaurant is their selection of Belgian Beers. I started with Trappist beer, Chimay blonde triple. Fantastic. Closest thing I've had to this beer is SIPA, but much more delicate and crafted.
Ended with a beer called Moinette Blonde. Fantastic again. This beer was a little milder and even had sediment in the bottom of the bottle, which apparently is normal.
Polish the evening off with a stop at dessert only restaurant Nectar. Fine espresso and mocha fudge cake.
Fine evening of eating and drinking.
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