Thursday, November 13, 2008

The memory of the bikes gone by

I was reflecting today on the bikes I've owned in the past. Some of them I wish I still had, some I'm glad to have sold, but I'm glad that I was able to own every single one of them, regardless of how long they were in my possession.
The list of bikes I've owned will continue to grow as time goes on, and the above listing is not every single bike that I've sold.
I still have 6 bikes and 4 frames in my garage, but the above pictures are bikes that I no longer own. What's more interesting is that I've sold all of the above bikes in the past year with the exception of the red and white fixed mountain bike (1st photo). That one went to a dude in Tennessee (if I remember correctly) who bought it for playing bike polo.
The more bikes I ride, the more about bikes I learn.
Give me education!

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