Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NuVinci Hub Explained

King of an interesting little tidbit to explain how the NuVinci hub works. I had no clue. I wonder about reliability over the years, but then again, it's not priced like a Rohloff. Between high and low, there is infinite adjustment. Interesting idea. I'd love to hear what users of the hub think of it.

Apparently the idea stems from some plans Leonardo DaVinci cooked up in about 1490.


johnmckenzie said...

good stuff

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Jerome said...

Thanks for the offer. I am however looking to clean up my links lists, and make them very specific to cycling. At that, even a very specific type of cycling. Thanks anyway. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jerome, funny you should post about the Nu-vinci drivetrain. I was at the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa display today and one of the attendees brought his Bacchetta Giro which he outfitted a NV drivetrain on it. He had to jig some apparatus to mount it midway on the bent. If he shows up at a dinner meeting we have in Ottawa I will endeavor to get some photos. He really thinks it is the cats meow and is not bothered by the weight (about 9lbs).