It was a little rainy yesterday afternoon on the way home. I was completely unprepared, but it really didn't matter. In fact, I don't think I'll be taking rain gear next time they
forecast rain either. It kind of feels like when I was a kid, to get all wet in the rain and not care a bit.
I was glad I had the
fendered Trucker today. I do hate getting a dirt spray line on up my back.
We recycle plastic bags in the lunch room at work. I tagged into the stash and protected my B-17, as well as my tool roll. Worked quite well.
Anyone can ride a bike in the nice sunshine, but a commuter rides in all weather.
Mmmm, good times.
Your LHT is looking very nice. I assume you store your bike inside at home and work....if so you don't need to cover your Brooks when it rains. Your body & fenders will protect it for the most part and it won't melt even if it gets a bit wet.
I would cover it if you plan to leave it out in the rain for a prolonged period of time.
Its alright when you were a kid.But now on your next trip make sure.I know you are a commuter.
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